Online sessions

Coronavirus rules relaxed but given the success of the experiment, online meditations continue: vipassanā every Monday (beginners), Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (NL) and Saturday from 19.00; mettā bhāvanā (the practice of loving-kindness) every Sunday from 11.00 to 11.30 (bilingual). They take place every Monday and Tuesday with Anastassia and Christian Guyon, Wednesday and Saturday with Michèle Germain, Thursday with Josette and Olivier Bigot, Friday with Patrick Renard and Sunday with MC Forget. This schedule is modified during retreats.

These sessions are organised via the free Cisco Webex application.

Access to these sessions is done in 2 steps:

1) We invite you to read the rules below carefully. Respecting these rules will create harmony in the group. They are in line with tradition:
  • Practice according to the method of the Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw.
  • Practise attentively and continuously, and follow the instructions as best as you can; go to the end of the meditation session .
  • The teaching or Q&A session is optional.
  • Arrive on time for the session. It starts at 19.00 on weekdays or at 11.00 on Sundays. The virtual meditation room will be open for vipassana from 6.45 pm and the doors will be closed at 7.00 pm. Please be careful not to be late. For Metta, it will open at 10.45 and close at 11.00.

2) If you are interested, please send your request by email to with the subject line: “I commit myself”. You will receive the link and practical information.

The donation box is also virtualized. You can find it here.